Absurdly Low Level Cap: Just like in the previous game, the level cap is 15.The Fractured But Whole contains examples of: Previews: trailer 1, trailer 2, trailer 3. The final DLC "Bring the Crunch" was released in Jand has the New Kid deal with the Lake Tardicaca Summer Camp being plagued by monsters, while being aided by Fastpass, Professor Chaos, and a new ally, Mintberry Crunch. The second DLC, "From Dusk to Casa Bonita", was released on March 20, 2018, and has the New Kid deal with rescuing Mysterion's sister from the Vampire Kids at the titular Mexican Restaurant, while being aided by Mysterion, the Coon, and a new ally, Henrietta Biggle. The first DLC, "Danger Deck", was released on December 19, 2017, and involved fighting battles on the game's highest difficulty for prizes.

The game was released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 17th 2017 and for Nintendo Switch on April 24, 2018. The game is also notable for being the first South Park game with foreign dubbing, as it is dubbed in French, Italian, German, both European and Latin-American Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese. But thanks to a dispute over the Coon's proposed franchise plan, a subset of the kids have split off into their own hero faction called the Freedom Pals, led by Doctor Timothy (Timmy Burch) and Mysterion (Kenny McCormick) paving the way for civil war between the kids as a far greater threat looms over their home. Under the Coon (Eric Cartman)'s leadership, the gang fight to clean up the mean streets of their quiet little mountain town, in the name of instilling justice and more importantly, making millions off of their superhero franchise. Some time after resolving the Nazi Zombie crisis by farting on a princess' balls, the New Kid finds themselves beginning a new LARP journey with the boys of South Park, this time under their Coon and Friends superhero personae. Players will once again assume the role of the New Kid, and join South Park favorites Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman in a new ridiculous adventure.

South Park: The Fractured but Whole is the sequel to the 2014 comedy RPG South Park: The Stick of Truth, written by Trey Parker and Matt Stone and developed by Ubisoft San Francisco, instead of previous developers Obsidian Entertainment.