Back on the road, what Dimitri calls “0 to 100 real quick”, music is now only one string to his bow. Unsurprisingly then, the last 12 months have seen a further redefinition of what they’re capable of.

From EDC Las Vegas to EXIT festival, Parookaville to Creamfields, the pair have brought a rock star energy to the world of EDM, winning this poll in recent years and breaking free from the normal confines of clubland to play events such as the UEFA Champions League Final in Madrid and Lollapalooza South America. The kings of Tomorrowland, there are few main stages that Belgium-Greek duo Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike haven’t conquered. Rising star DJ/producer of 2022: “Massano.” Fave tune of 2022: “Mau P ‘Drugs From Amsterdam’." (Dimitri) Chambord ‘Life iI Strange (Lunar Plane remix)’.” (Mike).