Choose this option if you plan to use this machine only for Distributed Rendering with V-Ray Standalone and a V-Ray RT render server. Standalone render slave – This installation includes V-Ray Standalone and V-Ray RT render server. Choose this option if you plan to use this machine for Distributed or Network Rendering with V-Ray. This option does not include the local V-Ray license server application. 3ds Max render slave – This installation includes V-Ray, V-Ray RT, V-Ray Standalone, V-Ray DR Spawner, and external V-Ray tools. It will allow you to use V-Ray in 3ds Max, do Distributed or Network Rendering, run V-Ray RT render server, use V-Ray SDK, and have V-Ray license server on this machine. Workstation – This is a full installation and includes all components.

During the next step you can choose the installation type. Please take a moment to review the agreement. You will be presented with the V-Ray licensing agreement.